Sunday, 8 December 2013

Aberystwyth 2 Gatwick

(Due to lack of wifi during the travels, there is a bit of a back-log in the publication of these...)

7/12/2013 klo 18.12 Yo. Hello from EAT. at Gatwick Airport, which has neither plugs nor wifi. Won't be using my phone or laptop much on these flights then... Oh well. I have books. And sleep. Sleep would be good.

So, been travelling all day and I haven't even left the country lol. 9.30-16.50 were the train rides of Aberystwyth-Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton-Reading, Reading-Gatwick. My alarm was at 4.30 and even then I struggled to manage to get everything done on time! My lovely housemate Sam drove me to the station and I left an Aberystwyth covered in a pleasant refreshing drizzle.

The first train ride was nice. The weather was amazing – from strong rain to brilliant sunshine, also saw the most beautiful rainbow I have seen in my life. Seriously. Dark grey sky with the clearest, brightest rainbow ever. It was gorgeous.
Unfortunately pictures never do justice
Also, I got inspired to write my friend James a long letter, and for the last half hour to hour was engaged in pleasant conversation with an elderly gentleman sat opposite me. He'd been to New Zealand once, for six weeks, it was a beautiful country... was one topic. He was really nice and I was very happy to be talking, knowing I will be travelling by myself for the next ridiculous amount of hours. He was however very worried about the fact that I have an exam two days after I come back from NZ. "You can't ask the examiners to change the day of the exam...?" "Nope, unfortunately." "...And you probably don't want to do a year again?" "No, definitely not." 

Both the first and second train were unusually PACKED, obviously providing awkward situations with my 22kg suitcase, but oh well. The second train ride I spent eating my stuffing roll (OM NOM), reading Life of Pi and being very very annoyed by the young lady next to me who seemed to have the worst cold in the world. At Reading I spent most of the time trying to think up a sentence using the words “Reading”, “to read” and “red” as many times as possible. If you're reading a book in Reading whilst bleeding on your book, you could be “Reading in Reading while reddening your reading?” Yes, no, maybe? And maybe if the book is already red it could be even cooler... “Reddening whilst reading in Reading because of reddening your reading”.....

After the initial hyperness, I was quite calm for the rest of the trip. Once I got to Gatwick I started feeling really giggly and shaky and everything. I shared a lift with a young lady in a Brighton University hoody, who saw my NZ-suitcase and was like “oh, you going to New Zealand as well!” She is a Kiwi, studying at Brighton, going home for Christmas. We had a nice chat. Lost her now, but it's reassuring to know there is someone who I can talk to when I get to the gate. So excited!!

When the Middle-Eastly dressed air hostess checked my passport and weighed my bags I was seriously scared I would burst into tears of sheer excitement. She looked so Middle-Eastern and cool and posh, but was British or at least had a British accent. My hand luggage bag was less than 7kg, amazingly!
 Super stylish Emirates air hostesses.
Exactly an hour till boarding. What to do. I dunno if it's worth looking for plugs. My bags are pretty heavy. Hmmmm.

I AM GOING TO DUBAI and a fact I forgot to mention in my previous entry is you know the film where Tom Cruise climbs the Dubaian mirrory skyscraper (Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol I think?), the guy who plays the Swedish baddy is actually Finnish!! Yesterday was Finnish independence day ONNEKSI OLKOON SUOMI <3

Tty soon ;)




  1. Jostain ihanasta syystä sulle sattuu aina hyviä juttukavereita kohdalle! Kiva, että toiset ihmiset rytmittävät jännittävää matkaa sellaisella tavalla, ettei tule liian jännää. :)

    Kiitokset itsenäisyyspäiväonnitteluista ja onnittelut itsellesikin! Äx Nyt seuraavaan blogiin
