Thursday, 5 December 2013

Off to the other side of the world...

Dear family, friends and fans,

For about ten years there has been a country I've been obsessed about. Originally the main reason was because it was so far away, but then it evolved into a more general interest in the amazing scenery, the exciting possible adventures and the cool accent. But it was always seemed like a dream which, one day or other may be realised, or may not be.

Another dream I've had for basically as long as I can remember is to travel outside of Europe. I love travelling and have visited a fair few countries, but all in Europe. I always knew that when I did leave Europe for the first time I'd like to do it “properly”, not just say hop over the border in Turkey or somewhere.

So, now it's happening, leaving tomorrow to be precise.

Thank you Google
To see CC, to see Hayley, to experience a new place. A new AWESOME place.
Thank you Google
I leave Saturday morning (tomorrow) from Aberystwyth, Wales. About six hours in a train till Gatwick Airport. 6h 45min flight to Dubai. (DUBAI!!!! Yes, the city where Tom Cruise climbs a humongous glass skypscraper... Unfortunately apparently you can't see much from the airport...) A few hours there, then a quick flight to Brisbane, Australia. 14h 15min to be precise. INSANE. An hour in Australia, then a 3h 45min flight to Auckland, NZ. I arrive there Monday the 9th of December, klo 14.35. That's half three in the morning (Monday) for the UK. I think.

Map on my wall depicting the journey...
Sleep pattern is experiencing changes. I am editing this (wrote it a few days back, never published, so sort of old knowledge) at 6.54am, woke up naturally at 5.56am due to waking up at 6am exactly for the past two days. If my plans had actually happened my alarm would've been at like 4am today. But I really, really, really cannot handle much lack of sleep. I really have felt if I have pre-jet lag. At least I have a lot of time in the mornings to do stuff.
My to do list for the past week... now much more messy and full (and yes Birmingham xmas market was amazing!!!)
Feel relatively well prepared, well in comparison to what I usually am at least! Bought an eye mask and ear plugs, thinking of what change of clothes to take, found passport, tickets and even got and printed out travel insurance!! Also, FINALLY got myself a pair of noise-cancelling earphones. (Third time lucky!) Will probably prove very useful for the flight... 

PLAN FOR NZ: Will be situated in Auckland at CC's place, but the first week will be roadtripping around the North Island. For Christmas we'll be going up north to CC's parents except that his parents won't be there. So will be an interesting Christmas... Anyways, will try keep you posted, hopefully tell you about any adventures, interesting encounters and probably any good food ;) 


Hope you enjoy the new blog posts, Nectarine Travels gone Kiwi ;) (thanks to my dad for coming up with that lol)

AND if any of you have any last-minute advice/tips/hints/ideas about how to exist through a 30h-flight and the days following it please tell me :) Be it sleeping, what kinda activities to do, etc etc etc. 


Thank you Google
Thank you Google. Well, here NZ doesn't look much different to Wales does it...? Maybe it's all a scam


  1. Hei kultaseni! Kirjoitin juuri ihanan pitkän kommentin ja se katosi johonkin. :(

    Upeeta reissua! <3 Ä

  2. Kirjoitetaas sitten uudestaan.

    Seuraamme innolla ja jännityksellä seikkailujasi Kiwi-maassa.

    Koneessa jumppaile jalkojasi ja käy kävelyllä käytävällä säännöllisin väliajoin. Pidä lentokentillä kaikki tärkeimmät tavarat kiinni itsessäsi: kääri laukunhihna käden ympärille, pidä jalkaasi laukun päällä tms. Jos sattuisi vaikka uni yllättämään. Vaikka varmaankin olet jo tällaiset metodit kehitellyt aikaisemmilla joskin lyhyemmillä matkoillasi.

    <3 ja haleja Äidiltä

  3. kuulostaa niin jännältä!!

  4. Pre-jet-lag sounds interesting... Enjoy the flights!
